If you have a business problem, we can develop the business technology answer using Microsoft’s latest development technology, platforms and products as the solution. We can integrate these solutions with any 3rd party platform with a well documented Application Programming Interface (API).
Consultancy Process
Binary Robot has a strong consultancy practice that will start your project by analysing the business problem in order to build a detailed specification for the solution. The Binary Robot bespoke software build process starts once the business problem definition and technology solution are signed off by the client and Binary Robot as fit for purpose and within budget.
Business Technology Innovation
In modern organisations Business Technology solutions are required to deliver business outcomes, not IT solutions that are made to fit around a business process. Throughout the consultancy process Binary Robot will look for opportunities to improve the efficiency of the business process and augment this with business technology innovation, not just technology for technology’s sake that adds to the overall cost and increases the cost of ownership and maintainability.
Binary Robot is a Business Technology (BT) Innovator, because we make sure we understand Your Business.
Bespoke Software Build Process
Every project is as unique as the client and the solution that is developed. Binary Robot ensures that clients are given plenty of opportunity to participate at regular points throughout the development process eliminating any surprises when the project enters commission test.
Software Delivery
Binary Robot’s software development cycle concludes with client commission testing delivered on either client or Binary Robot hardware platforms as the project dictates.
Your Bespoke Software Requirements
If you have a business process that is broken and could benefit from improvements in efficiency through automation, or simply a brilliant idea, contact us.
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